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Wednesday Schedule

We will be meeting at TBA


September 19, 26

October  3,10,17, 24, 31

November  7,14, OFF 21, 28

December 5, 12

Block 1    9:20-10:30    Japanese

Block 2   10:35-11:50    U.S History -post 1945 

Lunch     12:00-12:40   We will try to get time in the gym and the FREE open swim is from 12-1:45)

Block 3   12:45-1:55     Home Ec/Life Skills

Block 4    2:00-3:30    Academic Writing



Block 1   9:20-10:30

View of Meditation Garden
Japanese Woman in Cherry Blossom


Japanese Language DESCRIPTION: Anime, Ramen, Kimono, Hello Kitty, Strawberry Kit Kats, Manga, Sony, Nintendo, Samurai. . .The culture of Japan draws people from every continent for its creativity, discipline, and seemingly bizarre sense of humor. In this class you will learn the fundamentals of the reading and writing systems, listen to native Japanese resources, and practice speaking in conversational, everyday situations. Advanced students will be given separate assignments. With dedication, you too can one day travel around the world to the land of the rising sun, and join in the local fun.

MAX: 15 students

COST: $120 (includes materials from textbook)

BIO: Walker received his BA in English with a minor in French from DePaul University. He has also studied at University Catholique de Toulouse at the C1 level. He holds a JLPT certificate at the N2 level and is the lead translator/interpreter for Art Battle© Tokyo. In 2017 he was awarded a teaching certificate from International TEFL Academy in Chicago, IL. Tutoring through DePaul University and in private classes since 2012, his class list spans fundamental reading and writing, high school composition, college application essays, and formal research papers.

Block 2  10:35-11:50

Traditional Library

U.S. History-Post war 1945 to present


Traditional history classes tend to stop right at the point where they cross over with living people's memories, because the story of 'what happened' is still alive, still being contested, fought over, developed. This class will specifically address the recent history of the US, and talk about different stories of what happened and why, stories that differ dramatically and influence the present's questions. The class will center around a book, Nixonland, by Rick Perlstein, and will use a wide array of other historical evidence, books, songs, movies, TV, etc. to talk about what happened to America to reach where we are now.

Fee: $80 for 12 weeks

Ages: 12 and up

Instructor: Ben Huizenga is a bookseller at Half Price Books, and history is his widest pleasure as a reader. Believing that history ought to be a useful resource for the living, he wants to try and teach it in a way that will show how what you think of the past colors your vision of the future.

Lunch  12:00-12:40

Block 3   12:45-1:55

First Aid box on pink BG
Calculate Savings

Home Ec./Life Skills

As the African Igbo and Yoruba proverb says, "It takes a village to raise a child", this class will utilize the skills of many people. We will go over auto maintenance,  first aid, get Red Cross certified in CPR,  how to make a resume, job interviews, personal finance, credit cards, loans, taxes, budget, cleaning, basic home maintenance, healthy lifestyle, simple sewing project, and cooking. Along with class we will have field trips on an agreed upon day that is best for the majority.  There will be "homework" such as fixing something around your home or cooking a meal for everyone in your home (including dessert) 

Fee $100 includes field trips and projects

Block 4   2:00-3:30pm
Hand Writing
Patentability Search

Academic Writing: The Act of Documenting and Analyzing Text

What does it mean to document? The act of documenting seems to have become as natural as breathing with the advent of the smartphone and social media. Yet, what do we do when we document? Do we carve space for the truth, some truth, or a truth? Do we leave a mark, make a claim, or just tell another story? This class seeks to introduce students to texts that constitute the many genres encountered in academic writing. Students will read and analyze texts as well as produce their own. We will focus on genres such as the memoir, the photo essay, and the documentary among others. 

After completing the course students will begin to:

 * Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of audience through different genre-based assignments.

*  Read texts in a variety of disciplines and genres, using critical reading strategies.

*  Draw connections at the level of ideas across multiple texts.

*  Defend a position in relation to the range of ideas surrounding a topic.

* Demonstrate knowledge of writing as a process, including consideration of peer and instructor feedback, from initial draft to final revision.

* Demonstrate sentence-level correctness.

Course materials:

Materials include a 3 ring binder, paper, and a writing utensil. Outside of class students will need access to a computer, the internet, and a printer. Readings will be accessible through an online shared source like drop box or google docs.

Cost: $150 for 12 weeks

Class Minimum:10 / no max  



Sibyl Gallus-Price holds a BA in Spanish with a minor in English from DePaul University’s honors program, an MA in Hispanic Languages and Literature from State University of New York at Stony Brook, and an MA in English from University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) where she is currently working on her PhD in English. She teaches English at UIC and Spanish at the College of DuPage. Her research interests include Global and Latin American Literature, Aesthetics, Comparative Modernist Studies, and Critical Theory. She is a member of Phi Kappa Phi (UIC) and Delta Sigma Pi (DePaul - National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society).

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